The Perfect martial art for your child

  The children’s program is now mixed age 7-13 call or email to ceck the status for new students.

Aiki Kids (on hold)

Aikido children

Aikido Youth and Teen are with adults

The goal of our youth martial art program is to provide a safe, positive and noncompetitive environment for the practice of Aikido. As a martial art, Aikido fosters a healthy outlook, develops respect for self and others, and cultivates flexibility and coordination. The principles of centering and blending our energy with that of our partner are also emphasized with out the use of competition and tournaments. We work with parents and welcome their input. Challenge and fun are essential elements of our children’s program.

Our Aikido Children’s program is currently mixed age group from 7-13 and the specific age groups listed below are on pause. We are limiting class size so there is frequently a wait list. Please email to check the current status.


Aiki Kids 4-7yrs (On pause)

Classes are fun and active! We begin with a seated bow and end with sweating smiling faces. We utilize a color stripe stripe and belt promotion system that recognizes and rewards the child for techniques and skills learned in class. They will learn how to set some goals and work towards them.

Hi Gary,
Devon and I wanted to thank you for class yesterday, it not only went well, but we were admiring what a great teacher you are and how lucky we feel to have found you.
Amelia’s and Ben just love aikido, I would like to bring Amelia’s Friend Nori next week as she is dying to try.

Melissa B. mom to 4 year old boy and 7 year old girl.

Aikido Children 7-12yrs  (email or call)

The focus of this program is on the fundamental movement and skills of Aikido, i.e. rolling, knee-walking, centering, blending and extending energy. Basic self-defense technique, stance, posture, and presence and creative solutions to conflict (Centering) are highlighted. We also play with games that embody Aikido principles. In addition, students work on Aikido techniques and their Japanese names. We have frequent testing with colored stripes and after the stripes are earned the children present their progress to the class as they progress to the next belt color and tasks. Their belts are awarded for progress at the discretion of the instructor and with their in put. This testing process is designed to enhance confidence, self-esteem and goal setting with the child and the family. Each child is given personal attention in this process.

We were a bit worried about Atticus when he started aikido. He was such a grumpy-Gus, and had a hard time joining in on group activities. Now he flourishes in class, but also in his daily life outside class. He’s had an easier time making friends, and joining in fun group activities, joyfully.

Monica mom to 8year old Boy

 Aikido Teen 12 and up (currently joining our adult classes)

This class is structured much like an adult class. The focus is on Aikido principles and technical development. Aikido is presented to this group at a very high level. New members mix well with long  time members. Belt level testing is also part of the training for this group and is conducted at the discretion of the teacher. Fitness is built in to all parts of this class and we hope that it is a spring board to healthy lifestyle choices children make as they get older and reflect on when they become adults. All aspects of Aikido principal and philosophy are brought into the practice.

We are very grateful everyday for what you and your teachings have done for Nicholas over the last 8 years. He isn’t a ‘typical’ 16 year old…thank goodness. He is articulate, self assured, most of the time and seems to have a solid core thanks to Aikido. Your teachings will help him to make healthy choices for himself as he approaches independence and sees others around him not making good decisions for themselves.

Claire Mom to 16 year old boy