The Dojo

Due to the Pandemic, no walk-ins are permitted with out prior approval. The current dojo Covid Policy is that we require an up to date vaccination record for all visitors and students.
Aikido of Maine is located on the peninsula in Portland, less than a minute from I-295. There is plenty of parking available in the lot in front of the building and on the street.
The Dojo is spacious and open, designed to provide a good training environment.There is large tatami style training area with wide back doors that open directly to the new Portland Trails Bayside Walking and Biking trail, providing plenty of natural light. There are two large changing rooms include showers. Our lounge area allows parents to observe their kids during class and adult dojo members to gather after practice and we offer Wi-Fi for visitors to use.
Have fun and enjoy coming to Aikido of Maine!

Weapons racks

Upon reflection

gi and hakama

Our Dojo Is a member of the Aikido schools of Ueshiba founded by Saotome sensei with the mission to pass down Aikido in O’ senseis image.

caligraphy: Takemusu Aiki means “spontaneous creation of divine techniques”.
A more down-to-earth translation is “spontaneously aikido occuring naturally, without thought or force because it is inherently part of the universe.
A more down-to-earth translation is “spontaneously aikido occuring naturally, without thought or force because it is inherently part of the universe.

An New mural painted on our building in the summer of 2017 by the Portland Mural initiative and Artist John Knight.

Fence at EastBayside Trail
This a the back of the dojo and a view from the East Bayside Trail.

Ueshiba Juku
The Ueshiba Juku designation is awarded by Mitsugi Saotome Shihan to selected senior students and instructors in recognition of their loyalty and dedication to building ASU and promoting O Sensei’s vision. It declares that they are not only true deshi (direct disciple) of Saotome Sensei and inheritors of his teachings, but are also part of O Sensei’s own school and pure lineage as only a true Uchi Deshi of O Sensei can recognize. The status is indicated by special kanji worn on the formal Dogi of the authorized individual, and is an honor independent of specific rank or Shihan status. Both Gary and Ania Small sensei were awarded this designation by Saotome sensei.