“Having a dojo is an incredible privilege, it is a constant learning experience and a true pleasure to spend my time thinking about our practice and how we can make our dojo a better place. I am very captivated by the power of aikido in peoples lives and from a training perspective I am most interested in the connection aspect of practice and how we can put O’sensei’s teachings of creating harmony and improving the world into physical form.”
” I am always excited with the many ways aikido can help people who are in need of transition and am humbled by the power of the practice to help people improve their lives”.
Ania Small Is a Rokyudan (6th dan) in Aikido. She began her Aikido training in Warsaw, Poland in 1983. Right before coming to the US in 1989, she lived in London and trained Aikido with Kanetsuka Sensei. After coming to Boston, Ania joined Shobu Aikido and studied with Gleason Sensei. In 2001 she moved to Maine to open a dojo with her husband Gary. Ania has been part of ASU and studying with Saotome Sensei since coming to US. She has been awarded Ueshiba Juku designation and serves the ASU in a variety of ways. Ania holds a Ph.D. in psychology and is interested in the role mind plays in Aikido practice. She has a private practice in Freeport Maine.
“I came across Aikido class completely by accident, while returning a book to a friend. If you asked me then if I was interested in Martial Arts, I would have said no, but what I saw, completely captivated me. I loved the beauty of Aikido movement, I noticed that people were enjoying the practice and later learned that it was a non-competitive art. After participating in competitive team sports, I was looking for a physical activity I could enjoy and engage in without the focus on winning or loosing. Now, years later, I fell very lucky to have Aikido in my life. It gives me a great physical workout, including aerobic exercise, strength and core training as well as opportunity for self discovery and growth. Aikido practice continues to teach me about energy, power, conflict resolution and relationships. Studying and teaching Aikido is an integral part of my life. Through it, I met many people and build many friendships. I have also had opportunities to travel and study with amazing teachers.”