Aikido Schools of Ueshiba & Aikido of Maine

invite you to a special seminar

November  14-16  2025


Aikido Is A Spiritual Art With A Martial foundation.


We are pleased to host Bill Gleason Sensei and Tres Hofmeister Senseiin an ASU co-taught nanadan event. This seminar marks the third pairing in 2025 under the umbrella:

“Bringing Saotome Sensei’s Legacy Forward.”

These events provide opportunities for the Aikido community to learn from highly skilled practitioners whose long-term dedication includes personal experience with Saotome Sensei—both from his time in Japan and his early years in the United States.

The theme for this event is:
“Aikido is a Spiritual Art With A Martial Foundation.”

“Aikido is Budo.”
The development of a better life is dependent on bettering yourself.”

Mitsugi Saotome Shihan

Bill Gleason Sensei

7th dan

“My relationship with Saotome sensei goes back to the early 1970’s and he is definitely another one who can be called a martial genius.”

Bill Gleason Bio

Gleason lived in Tokyo, Japan from 1969–80, where he trained in traditional aikido and Japanese sword at the world headquarters of aikido, the Aikikai Hombu Dojo. Gleason wrote a brief account of his training at the dojo, describing the training environment and people involved.

Morihei Ueshiba (“O-sensei”), the founder of aikido, had died the year before Gleason arrived in Japan. Gleason wrote in his account about his intensive training with the founder’s immediate students and uchi-deshi, including Takeda Yoshinobu, Kisaburo Osawa, Watanabe, Koichi Tohei, Mitsugi Saotome, Masando Sasaki, Seishiro Endo and second d?shu Kisshomaru Ueshiba.He describes training most often and intensely with the late Seigo Yamaguchi, who became his mentor and friend.

Gleason received his 1st degree black belt in 1972 from Kisshomaru Ueshiba. In 2005, Gleason received his 7th degree black belt from Mitsugi Saotome.

Gleason founded Shobu Aikido of Boston in 1980. Shobu Aikido of Boston is a nonprofit organization and a member of the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba(ASU), under the direction of Mitsugi Saotome. Several of Gleason’s students have opened their own Shobu Aikido affiliated dojos around the USA.

In 2005, Gleason began the Shobu Okugyo Teacher Training Center, a unique forum designed to integrate the spiritual and physical aspects of Aikido. The seminars are 5-day retreats where students do meditation and aikido twice per day, macrobiotic cooking, and reading, discussion and practice of kototama.


Tres Hofmeister Sensei

7th dan

Tres Bio

Tres is a resident and native of Boulder, Colorado. He teaches and practices aikid? at Boulder Aikikai, where he has been an active member since its founding in 1980. Tres is a student of Hiroshi Ikeda, shihan and holds the rank of 7th dan through Mitsugi Saotome, shihan and the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba. He regularly teaches aikid? seminars throughout the United States and abroad.

He is also a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitionercm. He graduated in November 2009 from the Movement Educators Rocky Mountain 1 Feldenkrais® Professional Training Program under Educational Director Dennis Leri. Tres is authorized to offer Awareness Through Movement® classes and practice Functional Integration® by the Feldenkrais Guild of North America.

Tres and Bill Sensei will be working on this theme together during this weekend and to get the most out of what they are presenting it is recommended that those attending participate in as many of the classes as possible.

This is the third of four of these paired offerings for 2025 and as these are Aikido Schools of Ueshiba events hosted by a member dojo so grants are available to ASU members. If you want to attend and need some help please look at this Grant opportunity. To learn more and apply click the button below.



6:00pm -8:30pm


10:00am -1:00pm


Party 6:00pm


10:00am -12:30pm 


Attendance is limited



Event Price is $200, early registration is encouraged.