
We offer a traditional approach to the martial art of Aikido, including open-handed partner practice (taijutsu), sword practice (aikiken), and short staff (jo) . There is a flexible training schedule for all levels with classes available mornings and evenings 6 days a week. All of our students train at their own individual level and all that is expected of you as a new student is a willingness to try your best and enjoy the learning experience. Martial arts training helps create mental and physical wellbeing. along with other life changing benefits.
Adult Intro
5 basics classes and a free uniform
Getting Started is easy. The first step is to schedule an intro session. You can sign up for two weeks or four week as an intro that includes a uniform and everything you need to get started our Intros are designed to make it easy for you to learn about our dojo and the practice.
Can I really do aikido?
Yes. If you can walk up and down a flight of stairs , you can do aikido.We teach the beginner three basic techniques from which the art of aikido is derived. Our approach helps you to build a foundation that will give you clear direction in meeting your practice goals.
What if I am out of shape and uncoordinated?
Compassion is at the heart of aikido practice. At Aikido of Maine we know what it is like to be a beginner. We’ve all been there. Everyone makes progress at a different pace. Our approach allows you to learn at your own pace and take the next step only when you are ready.
How much does it cost to be an adult member of Aikido of Maine?
Our Membership Dues are $119 a month for unlimited practice. There is a $50 registration fee.The uniforms cost from $45 – $60. We do not have contracts and only require a 30 day notice to modify a membership.We also offer an excellent family discount program that makes it even easier to fit aikido into your budget. Some financial assistance is available and we do what we can to help people train when there is need of some help to make training accessible to all.
How long will it take to learn aikido?
The time it takes to learn aikido depends on how proficient you would like to become. After your very first class you will know how to blend with an attack, do a basic meditation technique and you will have taken a significant step towards physical fitness and clarity of mind. To become a black belt usually takes over 5 years.
If I am busy how can I fit aikido into my life?
We have a flexible schedule and are happy to work out a training plan with you.
How often should I practice?
Most people see steady improvement practicing 2 or 3 times per week. The more you practice, the greater the benefits to your health, ability to focus and self-defense. If you can practice every day, you will make faster progress. Practice as often as you can.
How does rank work for adults?
Our dojo uses a 7 kyu level testing process before black belt and there are then levels of black belt. Your first test in our dojo (7th kyu) would occur after about a month of training . For ?6th kyu – 1st kyu we follow the guidelines set out by in the training hand book of our national organization, Aikido Schools of Ueshiba . Black belt levels requirements are international and specified by Japan and also listed in the handbook. To learn more check out ASU members HANDBOOK .
Is aikido about learning to fight?
No. While you will gain practical self-defense skills, the main goal of aikido is to bring compassion, sincerity and self-scrutiny into all your daily interactions. Aikido training promotes health, self-reflection and personal empowerment. In aikido you become the person that nobody wants to attack.
Do you practice weapons?
Yes we use the sword and staff and knife.
What kind of Aikido do you practice?
I asked a teacher this question once and got the answer “Aikido is Aikido.” While this is true there are viewpoints and teaching influences that affect the practice in individual dojos. Our Dojo lineage and influences are outlined here.
The bestway to get a feel for our approach is to come and train with us.
I really enjoyed class and always leave refreshed at peace and happy. I am grateful I have found the dojo , for my part you have taught me so much and given me so much joy it is impossible to describe. Aikido has really improved my life. I so appreciate the time you take with everyone of us to polish our skills and spirits..

Aikido Schools of Ueshiba
People come to Aikido for variety of reasons. Some are looking for self-defense, others to improve their physical and emotional wellbeing, and some have been captivated by Aikido’s philosophy of creating harmony out of conflict. All of this is supported and present in our dojo.
Just some of the many benefits
Stress Relief Relaxation
Focus Weight loss & conditioning
Confidence Increase Awareness
Improve Coordination
Flexibility and overall Conditioning
Connect to a Community
Learn to Protect Yourself and Your Family, Fun
” I had a blast in last nights class. It was just what I was looking for. The instruction was great and everyone was welcoming and patient.